Spectra Tech employes sophisticated equipment and software to measure, document, and adjust the output of sound masking systems in open plan office spaces and other facilities where speech privacy is an important consideration. We can also provide assistance in designing sound masking systems to optimize privacy.

  • Our Test System can also compute other speech intelligibility / speech privacy values for the given situation, including Articulation Index (AI), Speech Intelligibility of Sentences First Heard (SISF), and Speech Intelligibility of Sentences Known (SISK). Please see the technical notes below for an explanation of these variables.
  • Areas / rooms throughout your entire facility can be tested for compliance with the targeted performance crieteria. If defieicenies are identified, we can make adjustments and / or assist in developing solutions.
  • Plot / Print Test Results: We can provide documentation of test results by plotting / printing the test values on paper, and / or provide the reslts in PDF format.